In December 2015, the German newspaper Die Zeit published a feature story titled “One man picks against Europe.” Kojo Ebeneku, the tragic hero of the feature, picks full, red tomatoes from his field in Kualedor, Ghana, day in day out. Eve...
Stella Canessa
Stella Canessa '19 is a Senior Staff Writer for the World Section of the Brown Political Review. Stella can be reached at
In December 2015, the German newspaper Die Zeit published a feature story titled “One man picks against Europe.” Kojo Ebeneku, the tragic hero of the feature, picks full, red tomatoes from his field in Kualedor, Ghana, day in day out. Eve...
In a given year, 4,224 people are killed by police brutality in Brazil (2016), 1,147 in the U.S. (2017), and 11 in Germany (2016). In England and Wales, only 55 people have been shot in the past 24 years. While the high rate of fatal shootings in the...
In a given year, 4,224 people are killed by police brutality in Brazil (2016), 1,147 in the U.S. (2017), and 11 in Germany (2016). In England and Wales, only 55 people have been shot in the past 24 years. While the high rate of fatal shootings in the...
The final days of the Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang kindled an inkling of hope that North Korea would start taking steps to enter the global diplomatic sphere. On the same day as the Closing Ceremony, South Korean President Moon Jae-in announce...
The final days of the Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang kindled an inkling of hope that North Korea would start taking steps to enter the global diplomatic sphere. On the same day as the Closing Ceremony, South Korean President Moon Jae-in announce...
In the German federal elections this past September, the country’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) received only 20.5 percent of the vote—an all-time low. Since then, the SPD has struggled to reposition itself in the new German political arena. In ...
In the German federal elections this past September, the country’s Social Democratic Party (SPD) received only 20.5 percent of the vote—an all-time low. Since then, the SPD has struggled to reposition itself in the new German political arena. In ...