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On September 11 of this year, the American public awoke to news headlines about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s op-ed in the New York Times, in which he criticizes U.S. foreign policy and condemns potential U.S. intervention in Syria. The piece ...

A Foreign President on U.S. Foreign Policy

On September 11 of this year, the American public awoke to news headlines about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s op-ed in the New York Times, in which he criticizes U.S. foreign policy and condemns potential U.S. intervention in Syria. The piece ...

Editor’s note: Last week, BPR Online had the pleasure of publishing two pieces on the Catalan independence movement, written by guest columnists Jorge Tamames and Daniel Bogre Udell. These can be found here and here. This week, the authors are ...

In Response: Thoughts on Catalan Independence

Editor’s note: Last week, BPR Online had the pleasure of publishing two pieces on the Catalan independence movement, written by guest columnists Jorge Tamames and Daniel Bogre Udell. These can be found here and here. This week, the authors are ...

Editor’s note: This week, BPR World is excited to feature two guest columnists weighing in on a pressing global issue — the persistence of the Catalan independence movement. Jorge Tamames’ column, published Wednesday, can be found here. To...

Awakening Old Dreams

Editor’s note: This week, BPR World is excited to feature two guest columnists weighing in on a pressing global issue — the persistence of the Catalan independence movement. Jorge Tamames’ column, published Wednesday, can be found here. To...

Editor’s note: This week, BPR Global is excited to feature two guest columnists weighing in on a pressing global issue — the persistence of the Catalan independence movement. Today’s column is written by Brown ’13 graduate and...

Addressing Catalangst

Editor’s note: This week, BPR Global is excited to feature two guest columnists weighing in on a pressing global issue — the persistence of the Catalan independence movement. Today’s column is written by Brown ’13 graduate and...

If the European Union does not want Turkey, then why should we want to be a part of the EU? Such was the refrain of the Roberts College students in Istanbul, Turkey when I visited in Turkey 2011 on an exchange program and had the opportunity to speak...

Europe Goes Cold on Turkey

If the European Union does not want Turkey, then why should we want to be a part of the EU? Such was the refrain of the Roberts College students in Istanbul, Turkey when I visited in Turkey 2011 on an exchange program and had the opportunity to speak...

It was among the ravages of world war that the brain child of John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White came into being. Seventy years ago at Bretton-Woods, 45 nations created the International Monetary Fund in the hopes of repairing and re-integrat...

Crisis and Reform at the IMF

It was among the ravages of world war that the brain child of John Maynard Keynes and Harry Dexter White came into being. Seventy years ago at Bretton-Woods, 45 nations created the International Monetary Fund in the hopes of repairing and re-integrat...