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I am a sophomore double concentrating in Mathematics and Philosophy. Despite having an interest in comparative constitutional law and International law, I am focusing mainly on issues with constitutional interpretation in the US Constitution in my columns for BPR.


For the next few weeks, I am planning to be writing on the Egyptian Constitution. Today, I begin with the starting words of the Preamble. The Egyptian Preamble starts the same way as the American one: We the People. In the United States, there is ove...

We the Partial Sovereigns

For the next few weeks, I am planning to be writing on the Egyptian Constitution. Today, I begin with the starting words of the Preamble. The Egyptian Preamble starts the same way as the American one: We the People. In the United States, there is ove...

In my last article, I cited some parts of a paper by Professor Koppelman. Here, I am most concerned about his claim that the “framers displayed their faith by codifying abstract ideals such as equal protection.” [italics mine] This suggestion is ...

The Not So Definite Article

In my last article, I cited some parts of a paper by Professor Koppelman. Here, I am most concerned about his claim that the “framers displayed their faith by codifying abstract ideals such as equal protection.” [italics mine] This suggestion is ...