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United States

Foreign Policy

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The sun never sets on American interests. From Cuba to the Philippines, the US has military bases and businesses around the globe. It is easy to forget, however, the intricate network of alliances that go into of maintaining the Pax Americana –...

To Be Pacific: COFA 2.0 and the Power of US Denial

The sun never sets on American interests. From Cuba to the Philippines, the US has military bases and businesses around the globe. It is easy to forget, however, the intricate network of alliances that go into of maintaining the Pax Americana –...

In the era of Trump, trade is a touchy topic. His barbed attacks on existing institutions and norms have angered allies both on our borders and across the Atlantic, threatening the international order the US has been building since the end of World W...

Trump’s Tightrope Trade Walk

In the era of Trump, trade is a touchy topic. His barbed attacks on existing institutions and norms have angered allies both on our borders and across the Atlantic, threatening the international order the US has been building since the end of World W...

The Nobel Peace Prize Committee recently bestowed the 2017 prize upon the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), an organization which has been working toward the global abolishment of nuclear weapons for over a decade. Their three...

Nonproliferation’s Meltdown

The Nobel Peace Prize Committee recently bestowed the 2017 prize upon the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), an organization which has been working toward the global abolishment of nuclear weapons for over a decade. Their three...

Democracy has become synonymous with purity and equality around the world. Many countries around the world incorporate components of democratic ideology into their governmental framework and processes, through elections of leaders and representatives...

The US’ Contradictory Reactions to Undemocratic Coups

Democracy has become synonymous with purity and equality around the world. Many countries around the world incorporate components of democratic ideology into their governmental framework and processes, through elections of leaders and representatives...