Hello, readers! I understand that the Internet is abuzz with dissections of and discussions about President Obama’s State of the Union Address (and the subsequent responses from both the Republican Party and, surprisingly, the Tea Party); however, ...
Tag: 2012-2013 docket
Hello, readers! I understand that the Internet is abuzz with dissections of and discussions about President Obama’s State of the Union Address (and the subsequent responses from both the Republican Party and, surprisingly, the Tea Party); however, ...
We interrupt your regularly scheduled “Lena Rants About Something” Wednesday column to bring you important news—in a few hours, the Supreme Court will be hearing arguments for Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, a case dealing with affirma...
We interrupt your regularly scheduled “Lena Rants About Something” Wednesday column to bring you important news—in a few hours, the Supreme Court will be hearing arguments for Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, a case dealing with affirma...