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Graham Sheridan is a second year candidate in the Master's in Public Affairs program here at Brown. He went to undergraduate school at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, VA and hails from Greensboro, NC.


Some big things are happening one town to my north. Up in Pawtucket, RI (yes, where Peter Griffin works on Family Guy), a coordinated effort has been made to revitalize the downtown. Pawtucket’s downtown has many amazing buildings, but has fallen v...

Experience Pawtucket

Some big things are happening one town to my north. Up in Pawtucket, RI (yes, where Peter Griffin works on Family Guy), a coordinated effort has been made to revitalize the downtown. Pawtucket’s downtown has many amazing buildings, but has fallen v...

As a kid growing up, the mall was the place to be. First it meant that you had access to a car (or somehow got a ride). Second, you could wander around, eat terrible food, and see a movie. These days, though, malls are barely hanging on. The decline ...

It’s Not a Mall World After All

As a kid growing up, the mall was the place to be. First it meant that you had access to a car (or somehow got a ride). Second, you could wander around, eat terrible food, and see a movie. These days, though, malls are barely hanging on. The decline ...

America needs to find a distraction from the presidential obsession. In Sunday’s New York Times we have an article about Republican presidential hopefuls visiting New Hampshire. Remember we are fully 31 months away from Election Day 2016. I me...

Take a Breather, America

America needs to find a distraction from the presidential obsession. In Sunday’s New York Times we have an article about Republican presidential hopefuls visiting New Hampshire. Remember we are fully 31 months away from Election Day 2016. I me...

A friend and reader of my column (thanks to all the readers!) lent me a copy of Tracy Thompson’s book, “The New Mind of the South,” to better inform future columns. Ms. Thompson, a Georgia native, laments and celebrates in turn the pro...

Book Review: The New Mind of the South

A friend and reader of my column (thanks to all the readers!) lent me a copy of Tracy Thompson’s book, “The New Mind of the South,” to better inform future columns. Ms. Thompson, a Georgia native, laments and celebrates in turn the pro...

Having grown up a complete landlubber, I never learned much early in life about seafaring. Here in the Ocean State, though, I am learning just how many goods come to the United States by ship. I recently had the opportunity to tour the Quonset busine...

Ocean State Infrastructure

Having grown up a complete landlubber, I never learned much early in life about seafaring. Here in the Ocean State, though, I am learning just how many goods come to the United States by ship. I recently had the opportunity to tour the Quonset busine...

These days it seems the Big Apple is on a tear. In the last several weeks, we have seen New York City go from strength to strength. It may be hard to believe just after the Oscars, Los Angeles’ show of cultural strength, but New York City is on a s...

East Coast West Coast Worldwide

These days it seems the Big Apple is on a tear. In the last several weeks, we have seen New York City go from strength to strength. It may be hard to believe just after the Oscars, Los Angeles’ show of cultural strength, but New York City is on a s...

In Greensboro, NC there is a day center for the homeless called the Interactive Resource Center. The IRC assists people who are homeless set up services to aid their job search: a voicemail account, an email account, a P.O. Box, and the like. These a...

Wi-Fi in the City

In Greensboro, NC there is a day center for the homeless called the Interactive Resource Center. The IRC assists people who are homeless set up services to aid their job search: a voicemail account, an email account, a P.O. Box, and the like. These a...