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Over half a century ago, American mathematician and philosopher Norbert Weiner stated that “information is information, not matter or energy,” effectively dubbing data the third constituent of the universe. The trend is evident: Information, now ...

Big Data Takes a Byte

Over half a century ago, American mathematician and philosopher Norbert Weiner stated that “information is information, not matter or energy,” effectively dubbing data the third constituent of the universe. The trend is evident: Information, now ...

Technology and politics are deeply intertwined in America. Data analytics drives campaign strategy and policy decisions, and social media is an integral medium for political information and discourse. This influence has allowed those who drive that t...

Rebooting Regulation

Technology and politics are deeply intertwined in America. Data analytics drives campaign strategy and policy decisions, and social media is an integral medium for political information and discourse. This influence has allowed those who drive that t...

With the advent of self-driving cars, workerless assembly lines, and even robotic cashiers at McDonald’s, automation seems to be the way of the future. But in an era in which so many workers are replaced with machines, the US Bureau of Labor Statis...

Automated Immunity

With the advent of self-driving cars, workerless assembly lines, and even robotic cashiers at McDonald’s, automation seems to be the way of the future. But in an era in which so many workers are replaced with machines, the US Bureau of Labor Statis...