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Tag: Germany


Since 2016, Portugal has enjoyed robust growth (at least relative to its European peers), climbing wages, and a precipitous drop in unemployment. This has been welcome news for more than just the Portuguese, though. As many optimistic European social...

Portugal and the Anti-Austerity Myth

Since 2016, Portugal has enjoyed robust growth (at least relative to its European peers), climbing wages, and a precipitous drop in unemployment. This has been welcome news for more than just the Portuguese, though. As many optimistic European social...

Free speech and the protection of vulnerable minority groups are two vital commitments of liberal democracies. Ideally, and indeed a lot of the time, the two work in harmony; but sometimes they appear to conflict. One touchy case of such a conflict i...

On the Laws that Prohibit Holocaust Denial

Free speech and the protection of vulnerable minority groups are two vital commitments of liberal democracies. Ideally, and indeed a lot of the time, the two work in harmony; but sometimes they appear to conflict. One touchy case of such a conflict i...

Four days after the election of Donald Trump, an article  in the New York Times opened with the ominous statement “and then there was one.” The piece referred to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whom the authors touted as the final pillar of Wes...

More of Merkel: The Case for Her Re-Election

Four days after the election of Donald Trump, an article  in the New York Times opened with the ominous statement “and then there was one.” The piece referred to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whom the authors touted as the final pillar of Wes...

Since January, an estimated 710,000 migrants and refugees have entered the European Union. This number is about two and a half times the total count of migrants and refugees that entered in 2014. This staggering increase shows the magnitude of the cu...

Merkel’s Migrant Crisis

Since January, an estimated 710,000 migrants and refugees have entered the European Union. This number is about two and a half times the total count of migrants and refugees that entered in 2014. This staggering increase shows the magnitude of the cu...

Relations between Poland and Russia have never been described as warm. While their robust economic cooperation may have had a mutually positive impact in the years following the collapse of the Soviet Union, any such progress or thawing of Cold War a...

Warsaw’s Economic War

Relations between Poland and Russia have never been described as warm. While their robust economic cooperation may have had a mutually positive impact in the years following the collapse of the Soviet Union, any such progress or thawing of Cold War a...