On September 21, 2015, the world watched the inaugural trip of sub-Saharan Africa’s first urban light rail system — and if they didn’t, they should have. The Ethiopian government partnered with two Chinese companies to bring a much-needed mass ...
Former US Ambassador and Co-Chair of US China Policy Foundation Chas Freeman speaks at the Foreign Policy Panel at the Brown China Summit from April 22-23. Ambassador Freeman’s talk discusses “Evolving Diplomacy in the 21st Century”...
Martin Shkreli has received extensive coverage for raising the price of a medication for HIV overnight, but he’s only a symptom of a larger problem. Learn more about the high cost of pharmaceuticals in the US with this update from the BPR Media...
Hello readers! I know that the unseasonably cold weather might be getting you down, but I come bearing good news. This past Wednesday, March 26, the Supreme Court unanimously decided in United States v. Castleman that it is now a crime for people co...
Hello readers! I know that the unseasonably cold weather might be getting you down, but I come bearing good news. This past Wednesday, March 26, the Supreme Court unanimously decided in United States v. Castleman that it is now a crime for people co...
Photo Author’s Own I have no problem admitting it: I am a small-town kid. I spent my first 22 years in two southern towns: Greensboro, NC (about the size of Providence) and Lexington, VA (very small). My first ever post for the Brown Political...
Photo Author’s Own I have no problem admitting it: I am a small-town kid. I spent my first 22 years in two southern towns: Greensboro, NC (about the size of Providence) and Lexington, VA (very small). My first ever post for the Brown Political...
Hello from Arlington! There might be snow on the ground, but it is indeed late March — and that means that the Supreme Court has finally heard oral arguments for Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius...
Hello from Arlington! There might be snow on the ground, but it is indeed late March — and that means that the Supreme Court has finally heard oral arguments for Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. and Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp. v. Sebelius...
Rhode Island House Speaker Gordon Fox resigned his speakership on Monday after RI State Police, FBI, and IRS investigators raided his office and home. Fox plans to serve out the remainder of his term and will not seek reelection. Many consider the ...
Rhode Island House Speaker Gordon Fox resigned his speakership on Monday after RI State Police, FBI, and IRS investigators raided his office and home. Fox plans to serve out the remainder of his term and will not seek reelection. Many consider the ...
Grameen Bank’s Rising Risk Interactive Graphic by Myles Gurule [d3-source canvas=”wpd3-13124-0″] Microfinance was speculated to be the magic bullet, end-all cure for poverty. In 2006, Professor Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank wo...
Grameen Bank’s Rising Risk Interactive Graphic by Myles Gurule [d3-source canvas=”wpd3-13124-0″] Microfinance was speculated to be the magic bullet, end-all cure for poverty. In 2006, Professor Muhammad Yunus and the Grameen Bank wo...
Five weeks ago, Francis Torres wrote an article for BPR explaining the dangers that journalists face internationally. Among many indicators regarding the protection that journalists receive in different countries, the World Press Freedom Index stood ...
Five weeks ago, Francis Torres wrote an article for BPR explaining the dangers that journalists face internationally. Among many indicators regarding the protection that journalists receive in different countries, the World Press Freedom Index stood ...
Feeling lucky? Submit a pitch to get published in BPR and be entered into a raffle for a St. Patty’s Day Prize! Submit at brownpoliticalreview.org/write-for-bpr by Wednesday, March 19th at 11:59 pm....
Feeling lucky? Submit a pitch to get published in BPR and be entered into a raffle for a St. Patty’s Day Prize! Submit at brownpoliticalreview.org/write-for-bpr by Wednesday, March 19th at 11:59 pm....
Having grown up a complete landlubber, I never learned much early in life about seafaring. Here in the Ocean State, though, I am learning just how many goods come to the United States by ship. I recently had the opportunity to tour the Quonset busine...
Having grown up a complete landlubber, I never learned much early in life about seafaring. Here in the Ocean State, though, I am learning just how many goods come to the United States by ship. I recently had the opportunity to tour the Quonset busine...
President Obama sat down for an interview – or rather, comedy skit – with Zach Galifianakis on his web series “Between Two Ferns.” Between questions like “So, which country were you rooting for in the Winter Olympics?...
President Obama sat down for an interview – or rather, comedy skit – with Zach Galifianakis on his web series “Between Two Ferns.” Between questions like “So, which country were you rooting for in the Winter Olympics?...
Hello readers, and welcome to the coldest March that I’ve experienced in some time. The federal government was closed on Monday because of snow (but not the Supreme Court), and as I write this column here at Brown, the temperature is currently 15 d...
Hello readers, and welcome to the coldest March that I’ve experienced in some time. The federal government was closed on Monday because of snow (but not the Supreme Court), and as I write this column here at Brown, the temperature is currently 15 d...
The Sochi Games have closed, and I am sure many citizens of Russia are wondering: was it worth it? The Olympics are expensive and disruptive to the host country. However, they are exceedingly popular with voters and bring a great sense of pride. They...
The Sochi Games have closed, and I am sure many citizens of Russia are wondering: was it worth it? The Olympics are expensive and disruptive to the host country. However, they are exceedingly popular with voters and bring a great sense of pride. They...
I’d wager that a considerable number of the general population would describe most modern art as esoteric, derivative, annoying, purposeless or all of the above. Without trying to engage with any of those accusations, though, one can argue fairly e...
I’d wager that a considerable number of the general population would describe most modern art as esoteric, derivative, annoying, purposeless or all of the above. Without trying to engage with any of those accusations, though, one can argue fairly e...