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By 2060, 115 percent more Americans will be of Hispanic origin than in 2015. Consequently, pundits identify “the Hispanic vote” as the next frontier for ensuring political success. Political elites have thus scrambled to investigate, quantify, an...

The Elusive Nature of the Hispanic Category

By 2060, 115 percent more Americans will be of Hispanic origin than in 2015. Consequently, pundits identify “the Hispanic vote” as the next frontier for ensuring political success. Political elites have thus scrambled to investigate, quantify, an...

Judge Merrick Garland’s nomination to the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in 1997 encountered similar obstacles to the ones he faces now for placement on the highest court in the land — a Republican majority in the Senate and a Democrati...

The Biden Rule and the Country’s Polarization

Judge Merrick Garland’s nomination to the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit in 1997 encountered similar obstacles to the ones he faces now for placement on the highest court in the land — a Republican majority in the Senate and a Democrati...

In 2013, 28 percent of Rhode Island’s 1800 foster children were living in congregate care institutions, group homes in which children do not grow up with a nuclear family. Beyond Brown’s doorstep, 57,000 children nationwide are currently living u...

Fostering the Next Generation

In 2013, 28 percent of Rhode Island’s 1800 foster children were living in congregate care institutions, group homes in which children do not grow up with a nuclear family. Beyond Brown’s doorstep, 57,000 children nationwide are currently living u...

Throughout history, a foundational divide in American politics has split the federal government. In the early days of the republic, quarreling between the Federalists (represented by John Adams) and Democratic-Republicans (led by Thomas Jefferson) o...

Having It Both Ways on Both Sides of the Aisle

Throughout history, a foundational divide in American politics has split the federal government. In the early days of the republic, quarreling between the Federalists (represented by John Adams) and Democratic-Republicans (led by Thomas Jefferson) o...

On July 31, 2009, American journalist Sarah Shourd was hiking in Northern Iraq with friends when she was captured by Iranian soldiers and placed in solitary confinement. She spent the next 410 days in a tiny metal cell, pacing around her cage and sta...

The Ethics of Solitary Confinement

On July 31, 2009, American journalist Sarah Shourd was hiking in Northern Iraq with friends when she was captured by Iranian soldiers and placed in solitary confinement. She spent the next 410 days in a tiny metal cell, pacing around her cage and sta...

Once a symbol of human ingenuity and power over nature, the 79,000 dams scattered across America’s landscape are now falling into disrepair and disuse. Even the larger, highly functioning dams struggle to generate enough energy to justify...

Troubled Waters: The Case Against Hydroelectric Power

Once a symbol of human ingenuity and power over nature, the 79,000 dams scattered across America’s landscape are now falling into disrepair and disuse. Even the larger, highly functioning dams struggle to generate enough energy to justify...